We asked our President & Founder, Jenn Kjellman a few questions so you can get to know her and the drive behind JSK Marketing.
Every little girl has a dream. Jenn’s dream was to own a business. When she was younger, she wasn’t sure what that business would be. After a decade in corporate America, she decided it was time to make her dream come true… bringing JSK Marketing to life!
Why do you think you always dreamed of being an entrepreneur?
I was raised by my grandparents, who both owned their own businesses. I believe that when you grow up in that environment, it just seems like owning a business is the natural thing to do. My grandma is still an incredibly successful business owner. She’s always been my role model and is my reminder that anything is possible on a hard day. Watching them pursue their dream my whole life, I knew I wanted that same dream for myself.
Why does marketing get you excited?
I love the psychology behind marketing. Studying trends and why people make certain decisions has always intrigued me. I have also always been a dreamer and a creative, so marketing allows me to not only tap into those natural skillsets but continuously explore my curiosity behind human behavior as well.
What makes you different than other marketing consultants?
Honestly, there are hundreds of people skilled in my area. My passion for what I do makes me unique. When I invest in a project or company, I fully immerse myself. I aim to be an extension of your team rather than outside counsel. The relationships I have with the organizations I partner with are my number one priority. I also ensure that I take a unique approach with each client; marketing should never be one-size-fits-all. I believe this relational intentionality with my clients sets me apart from others in my profession.
When you’re not creating and dreaming about expanding brands, what do you love to do?
If you know me, you know spending time with my family and friends and traveling the world are my two greatest passions. I’ve always said that I work so that I can travel, especially when I have my sweet husband alongside me for the ride.