With so many tools and tactics available today to reach potential customers, it can be difficult to decide which tactics may serve your organization best. While email marketing may seem like a thing of the past, we want to share a few reasons why we think it’s still a relevant marketing tactic, especially for small to medium-sized businesses.
It’s Personal
Email marketing is all about building relationships. It’s 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers over Facebook or Twitter because it offers a more personalized experience. Think about it, your message is showing up right next to emails from friends and family. It doesn’t get more personal than that.
With most marketing platforms it’s critical to take into account ideal windows of time where you can reach the maximum potential customers, but email marketing allows you to connect directly with someone at a time that is convenient for them. There are definitely ideal days and times that customers are more likely to engage with your content via email, but there is a broader window with email marketing since the customer has the opportunity to engage at their own convenience.
The ROI Is Higher Than Most Other Digital Tactics
According to EmailMonday, email has an average ROI of $38 for each $1 spent. While we are huge fans of social media and search engine marketing (SEM), they can be very expensive compared to email marketing. With email marketing, direct costs are low, especially if you already have an established list of people to connect with. Email marketing takes a good amount of time to be done right, so it’s important to keep in mind the indirect costs, such as having someone dedicated to building and managing email marketing campaigns.
Its Easily Trackable
Like most digital marketing tactics, email marketing is easily trackable. One nice thing about email marketing is the ability to see how specific customers are engaging with your content. Having these insights allows you to effectively create personalized messaging that relates to each of your demographics; email marketing doesn’t have to be one message fits all, like other tactics.
With 34% of people worldwide utilizing email (that’s 2.5 billion people), according to Radicati, it’s important that you not discount email marketing as an effective marketing tool for your company. Email users are only growing and the technology to personalize messaging is getting more efficient. As a small or medium-sized business, you may not have time to dedicate someone on your team to really maximizing your email marketing initiatives. If that’s the case, we’d love to help.
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